First of all each and every one of us has his or her reasons to live in this world; each and every reason has its own meaning and connections with life. Life is beautiful and it needs to be taken care of, for it is being lent to us by God. Another thing, our lives occur once and if it has been taken away it could never be returned.
As for me, I have plenty of “whys” to live my life. I consider myself as one of the many who says that our life is important because we just borrowed it from God, and as a catholic I agree to that. For I value my life with faith and love to God because we owe our life to him. I never do such things that can harm myself and lead me into sufferings. Another reason of mine is that because of my parents, I can never leave them for they are the ones who took good care of me since birth until now. They are the ones responsible for bringing me to school giving all the things that I need. And the bottom line is that it’s because of my love to them. For I cannot do such things in replace with what they have done for me, I love my parents for who they are and what they are and I am happy with that.
Another “why” to live is that to complete my mission here on earth. Perhaps everyone has its own mission in life, and me myself has my own and that is to finish my studies and have a career in life. I can’t just easily give up my life and surrender, for we are given the knowledge and potentials so that we can handle our lives better and appreciate its meaning and value. When we talk about value of our life, its priceless and cannot be replaced by material things such us money and many more. And once life is gone, it’s totally gone. For such reasons, I am happy with my life and because I am blessed with people that loves me especially my parents. I know that they love me also because they will do everything just to make me happy with my life.
I live for my reasons, to learn from others so that I can grow up to be a better person. Simply to love all those who love me too, make yourself feel that you are important and that you are not alone in this world. Maybe I live today because for me to be able to experience some twist and turns in life. For without such experiences you’ve encountered you would not be able to have reasons to live a better life. Every bad thing there is good things done, just like in life you experience sufferings but don’t let those negative experiences ruined your life. Consider it as a part of life, without it you wouldn’t have enough reasons for your existence.
As a summary of everything, my “whys” to live is that I want to love and to be loved, consider trials as part of life and each trails has each solutions that’s why I don’t need to give up easily. Live longer to learn from others and others learn from me, become happy and contented of what I have and what I am.